Corinne Julienne

Corinne Julienne writes stories she enjoys reading because she’s a dyed in the wool Romantic, who enjoys the company of her characters because they are too. She tells sexy love stories written in the first person for sophisticated, mature audiences with characters reflective of the same demographic. Her novels are for those who know Romance doesn’t disappear with age nor is it the exclusive domain of twenty-somethings! A true New Yorker and Florentina, she presently lives a picturesque part of New Jersey, surrounded by her 6 adult children and husband.

Her stories are dialogue driven, told from the perspective of the main character, exposing the internal conversations which explain their behavior as well as those external interactions with their Romantic Interest and others. The steamy intimate moments of Romantic Love are descriptive, sometimes tastefully shared with pauses to allow the lovers privacy before their company is resumed.

Writing of real life/universal experiences, Corinne Julienne complicates them with what-if perspectives: about new beginnings and making the most of it; of finding love after having it sacrificed for the sake of social pressure and practicality; of second chances and overcoming the fear associated with it; and recognizing love no matter how it’s packaged and the freedom to enjoy it, creating true love’s excitement, the fantasy respite and escape from daily life, romance readers seek..

Enjoy living in their world with surprisingly unpredictable endings and, yet remain confident that goodness and happiness will always triumph over bad, as will true love.